If you are researching different countertop suppliers for your next kitchen project, you might have stumbled over a company called Grothouse from Germansville in Pennsylvania. Grothouse specializes in a large variety of custom wood countertops. They make tops looking like these awesome pieces you see in my video! Today I will talk about my experience, I will give you a review in working with Grothouse. Let’s talk about the quality, price, and what I thought about the overall experience.
Who is Grothouse?
Grothouse specializes in custom wood countertops. Paul Grothouse started the company back in the late 90’s and they have become the top experts in custom wood countertop manufacturing. Really if you have been on any of the last few KBIS shows in Las Vegas, you will know. Grothouse tops have been seen everywhere in all shapes and sizes, in so many different display kitchens and on TV shows like “This Old House”!
What makes Grothouse so special?
Grothouse wood countertops offers over 60 wood species and over 30 edge details!
Another reason these guys have set new industry standards in terms of quality, is their Durata waterproof finish which is exclusive to their wood tops only. The Durata finish is completely waterproof without any further maintenance needed. Undermounted sinks or even sink bowls carved into the wood countertop, are no problem with these guys which is why designers love them.
Grothouse Countertops Review?
I have recently had the chance to use and now give you a Grothouse Countertops Review with one of my local Kitchen Remodels and I have to say I was absolutely happy with the support I’ve received from the entire team. We had several custom parts quoted out and believe me when I say that if you can draw it, they will be able to quote and built it for you. The project finalized with a gorgeous 2 1/4” thick all Hartwood Cherry edge grain island countertop. At this point I don’t have final project pictures yet, but I do have a great picture of the island which you can see in the right below.